The title of this blog is so apropos! Every time I turn around I find myself saying, "God is just Overwhelmingly Amazing!" It is very easy to get so caught up in ourselves and our "things" that we fail to see the way God is working in our lives, but going through
Ann Voskamp's book last year helped me to focus on slowing down how I view life to be able to see the magnificence of God at work.
It was all in preparation for this journey that we are taking. I am a woman of action. Tell me what direction we're headed in and I'll chart the course, make a list of supplies, and lead the charge. My life has been a process of learning to wait for God and not rush ahead of him. Learning to be still, keep silent, even to refrain from planning has been the road he has led me on. I have had to be taught how to do all these things with his peace in my heart and not a spirit of restlessness to give God the space to reveal what his plans are before I rush off in my own direction. Amen that he brought me through that before this time in our lives. This has been one big faith walk!
We came to Savannah, GA knowing only that God was opening doors for us to start the first messianic synagogue in this place that has the third oldest Jewish community in the nation! Who knew that Jews have been in Georgia since 1733?! I didn't!! Jude did. He does all the fact finding for us. :)
(Beautiful, isnt it?)
How do you get the word out that we're here to set up shop and start services? No clue!!!
Print ads? No one really reads the newspaper any more.
Radio ads? We plan on that, but it may only reach a small part of our intended audience.
Social media? Doing that - but it still only gets to a small target group.
(But every time you share or invite your friends to like our page, you never know how someone else may come in contact with it or see it - so don't stop helping us with that!)
We felt peace about taking an "If you built it they will come" approach. We know we can handle doing the services. We have years of experience in praise and worship, Jude has experience doing sermons. We have kids that have been taught (by our awesome previous synagogue family) to run audio/visual, dance, hospitality, as well as our own experience in these areas. We have faith that God will bring in the people in his time. Until then, with a family of 8, we're halfway to a good number of "regulars"!
But where to have services? Jude cold-called local pastors and rarely got past the secretary with no call backs. People suggested renting out local rec center rooms or school cafeterias. All those options were dead ends. For various reasons, it just wasn't working. My heart's cry was, "God, why did you give us this desire to start now (versus our plan to wait until we were more established in our new community) only to have us reach dead ends?" We can't hold a service with no location - and God knows that our rental house feels cramped with just us, and the dog wouldn't really appreciate "strangers" in her space.
Oy! I can only imagine the noise!
But I continued to hold onto and remind myself of the lessons that God has taught me.
God has everything under control and at the right time he will reveal it. Too much information and I'm sure I would be overwhelmed. He knows me and knows just what I can handle. And so we waited, and waited, and waited.....well, not really for that long, but it felt like it!
In no coincidence, but miraculous appointment (which I'll reveal at a later date), God has brought Jude into contact with a local pastor that wants to bless our ministry. God has given him a heart for supporting messianic Judaism. Now here's where my second lesson comes into play - Thanks, Ann Voskamp!
If I had not learned to let go of my idea of what is "good," then I would be sorely disappointed now. None of what I "wanted" or "expected" is happening. I had planned for a transition time to get settled and then start an ad campaign; getting to know local leaders of the body to network and for support; somehow a shebang immediate move to our own place (perhaps a small storefront - hadn't figured out the logistics of that yet.)
I had never even considered Savannah, GA. What's in Savannah, God?
I never wanted to start a congregation from scratch! That's too much work, God!
I didn't want to start anything right away. God, you know that I'm really busy homeschooling ALL the kids right now and then we have to move out of our temporary housing in a few months. I'm sure you'd planned for us to do this when things slow down - not until at least the fall, right, God?
I didn't want to have services in a "temporary" place. It won't be like our own home, God. And we'd have to lug things back and forth every week, God. It's like staying at someone else's house.
This post is all to give testimony and praise to the Lord for
bringing us to Savannah, GA to
start a congregation from the ground up,
in the midst of our chaotic lives while we
hold services in someone else's space.
And it's not just someone else's space - it's not their sanctuary - it's their YOUTH SPACE! In my fleshly mind it's like getting the walk in closet instead of the spacious living room. But my spirit is so thrilled because
WE WILL HAVE A SPACE! I can rejoice in this because I have let go of what this process looked like to me and opened my hand to receive God's blessing that he intended for me. It is his perfect provision and it will be perfect because it is in his plan for this ministry. There is no Jude or Jen in this - only God!
Now, this is all subject to the prayerful consideration and approval of the head ministry team of this church, so we can't reveal any more details, and we don't have a solid start date. But all signs point to this and a potential start date in June. To be fair to this wonderful church, they themselves rent out a local YMCA to hold 4 services a week and are in the process of building their own building, so they only space of "theirs" that they can provide for us on a Saturday is their youth space. The pastor has said that once their sanctuary is built, we could use that on Shabbat. God is so Overwhelmingly Amazing!
Please continue to support us in prayer and spread the word! We know that God has great things in store - greater things than we can even begin to fathom. He is putting a fire in our hearts for the people here to spread the love of the Lord like a "ray of light" from Savannah, GA to the world!