When we just step out of the way and let God work, things are so much better!
We started this process of planting a congregation knowing that our best outcome would happen when we let God have complete control. We are walking by faith and not sight, only seeing just a little bit ahead of us at each turn. For me, a planner, this can be a little unsettling at times, but God strengthens our faith with evidence of His plan. "See?" He says. "I'm taking care of all the details."
And He certainly is!
Yesterday, Jude and I met with the ministry team from Gateway Community Church. They have graciously offered us their youth space to use for services. Not only have they offered us this space, but they are letting us use equipment, computers; offering their time for ministry support, media work, marketing help, etc.
They prayed over us and will continue to keep us in prayer as they work alongside us.
The senior pastor, Matt Hearn, was sharing with us that the woman who heads up the children's ministry had come to him a few weeks before he had heard about us. She said that she really felt they needed to be sowing into God's kingdom in the area of Jewish outreach. That confirmed what Matt had also been feeling. Just days after that, Matt was contacted by a member of his church, Brian, a man that works for Jude. Jude had been sharing with Brian our struggle in finding a place to hold services. We were at a dead end. Brian felt led to call up Matt and share our situation with him. Matt wanted to meet with Jude right away. Out of that meeting, and prayerful consideration on the part of Gateway's ministry team and Jude and I,
this God ordained partnership was born.
Begin your praying in earnest!
Keren Ohr Messianic Synagogue will hold our
first shabbat service on June 7, 2014.
We have a lot to do between now and then! We need to purchase signs, supplies, business cards, mailers. We need to complete our website and marketing material design. We need to have a few "dress rehearsals."
Please pray over all these areas for us. Also, pray that the word would get out in a miraculous way that we are opening our doors. We have some plans for marketing, but there are many unaffiliated Jewish people in the nooks and crannies of this vast metro area that we are targeting: the areas in southern South Carolina, such as Hilton Head; as far to the west as Statesboro, GA; and as far south as Brunswick, GA.
Besides prayer, the best thing you can do for us is "Share" and "Like" our posts on Facebook. Every time you do that, our post shows up on your news feed and is visible to your Facebook friends. They in turn will see it and may like it which would show it to all of their friends. Also, invite your friends to "Like"
Keren Ohr Messianic Synagogue's Facebook page.** The more exposure we have, the better.
Tell anyone and everyone who might be interested, about Keren Ohr.
You never know how God will use that to get the word to someone locally. God has already divinely connected Jude to an unbelieving Jewish person who heard about us from someone else.
We fully relate to the words of Paul, for we covet every prayer that you send forth on our behalf:
"You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our
behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many." 2 Cor.1:11
**If you have any tech questions on how to "Like" or "Share" posts on Facebook or how to "Invite" your friends to "Like" Keren Ohr's Facebook page, please don't hesitate to ask and we will walk you through the process.